The keys to being an effective leader in a business

The keys to being an effective leader

March 1, 2023

Leaders play an important role in many aspects of human society, from businesses and organisations to governments and communities. Leaders are important for many reasons:


Vision and direction: A leader provides a clear vision and direction for the group they are leading. They set goals and priorities, create a roadmap to achieve them, and motivate and inspire their followers to work towards those goals.

Decision-making: A leader is responsible for making important decisions that affect the group they are leading. They have the authority and expertise to analyse complex issues, consider multiple perspectives, and make decisions that are in the best interests of the group.

Coordination and delegation: A leader is responsible for coordinating and delegating tasks and responsibilities to their followers. They ensure that everyone is working together towards a common goal and that each person is contributing their skills and abilities in the most effective way.

Conflict resolution: A leader is often called upon to resolve conflicts that arise within the group they are leading. They have the skills and experience to identify the underlying issues, listen to all sides, and find a solution that is fair and equitable for everyone.

Inspiration and motivation: A leader inspires and motivates their followers to achieve their best. They encourage and empower their followers to take risks, be creative, and pursue their goals with passion and enthusiasm.


Studies have shown that leadership failure rates can be high. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, the failure rate for leaders in new positions is estimated to be around 50%. Another study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that up to 60% of new leaders fail within the first 18 months of their appointment so it’s important and highly sought after to be an effective leader.

It’s worth noting that failure is not always a bad thing, as it can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth and improvement. However, it’s essential for leaders to recognise their weaknesses and work towards addressing them to increase their chances of success.

The keys to being an effective leader is to have a set of skills and qualities that inspire, motivate, and guide others towards a common goal. Here are some key traits that are often associated with effective leadership:


Vision: Effective leaders have a clear and compelling vision for the future, which inspires and motivates their followers.

Communication: Effective leaders communicate their vision and goals clearly and regularly to their followers, using a variety of communication channels.

Empathy: Effective leaders are able to understand the needs and feelings of their followers and are able to respond with empathy and compassion.

Decisiveness: Effective leaders are able to make tough decisions quickly and confidently, even in the face of uncertainty.

Adaptability: Effective leaders are able to adapt to changing circumstances and are able to pivot their strategy when needed.

Integrity: Effective leaders have strong moral and ethical principles and are honest and transparent in their actions and decisions.

Accountability: Effective leaders hold themselves and their followers accountable for their actions and decisions and are able to learn from mistakes and failures.


In summary, the key to being an effective leader is to have a vision, communicate it clearly, understand and empathize with your followers, be decisive, adaptable, act with integrity, and hold yourself and others accountable.

For more information on how you can become an effective leader, visit our course page Leading & Managing Teams here.


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